Saturday, February 12, 2022

Post #5: "War, A Terrible War"

War has always been apart of history. The United States was born from war, but that does not mean war is always the right answer. The media's portrayal of war is that it is always out of necessity and it always advocated and supports the government's decision to enter into one. What do you not see or hear about is news that supports antiwar beliefs. What is that? The websites, The American Conservative and shares some light on why it remains less known to the public. These websites release the truth behind the war efforts that the United States Government either fails to release or tried to hide. The articles published on these websites shine a light on the dark side of the war and it portrays the government in a negative fashion. In one article posted on The American Conservative, the article discusses the claim that the U.S. Military was stationed in Iraq solely for the "non-combat" reasons. It reveals the truth and shows that the claim is false and that the military is indeed participating in combat roles. 

I believe that it is difficult to find websites that support ideas and beliefs that are opposite from the government because it is harder to control those who know the truth. These websites inform people of the truth behind the war efforts and the government and the media does not make their news known. These websites and many more, go unnoticed and are not advertised due to the information that they provide the public with, but it is just as important, if not, more important to get this type of news into the mainstream media. 

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