Sunday, April 24, 2022

Extra Post #3: Through the Eyes of AI

Now a days technology and machinery and anything related to those scientific systems has become some of the most well known necessities within today's world. The development over the years of technology and AI is like anything the people of this world could have ever dreamed of. From the first at home security system being made back in1969, to the advancement of a product AI technology such as monitoring robot professionals technology is becoming unstoppable. Technology is progressing at a scary fast rate and the advancement of technology is not slowing down anytime soon. 

Where technology gets really scary is when you have security cameras all around you watching your every move. Not only are there cameras all around us, they are also on our technological devices. These cameras can include the physical camera that you can see, but it can also include a "monitoring camera" that detects where you like to shop, what you like to buy, and other things and once it has that information, it starts sending you ads and information from wherever you searched. From watching the video "In the Age of AI by Frontline," We thought that we were searching Google. We had no idea that Google was searching us." We can never really know who is watching us and when they are watching, that is the scary thing about this world and the use of technology and its progression is not going to stop, it will only grow and advance in the future. 

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