Saturday, January 29, 2022

Extra Post #1: Same Sport, Different Treatment

Just from watching NBA and WNBA games on the television, we all can instantly see that there are more fans and overall attendance at NBA games, but we can also agree that the WNBA players get payed less than the NBA players do, so why is that? The NBA started to form in 1946 and the WNBA started in 1996. Could the reason for low attendance and less pay be because the WNBA started around 50 years later than the NBA, or could all of this be happening because of something much bigger? Within the NBA, there are 30 teams and there are 12 teams within the WNBA. The difference in how many teams there are between the NBA and the WNBA can also be a key component as to how the NBA is favored more than the WNBA. Since there are more teams within the NBA, more money comes in, more brand deals are made, which accumulates money, therefore, provides more money for the over all NBA and its players. Since the WNBA only has 12 teams, less money is being made, which causes the women that are playing in the WNBA to get shorted money

Some might say that the reason for lower pay and less attendance could be because women in the WNBA are not as good as NBA players. While some might believe that to be true, people like Kobe Bryant, a former NBA superstar player would say other wise. There are tons of debates going around about the low attendance and especially the lower pay for the WNBA, but it is all about opinions. I have to admit, I do prefer to watch the NBA over the WNBA because in my eyes, the NBA is more exciting than the WNBA, but I believe that the women in the WNBA and men in the NBA should be getting equal and fair pay, but some people may disagree with my overall opinion.  

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