Monday, January 31, 2022

Post #3: "We The People..."

There are eight values of free expression. Each value describes a different aspect within the government. Some of the values really target the importance of free speech within The First Amendment and then others really emphasize certain topics such as: politics, human liberty, and the idea of what America really stands for. All eight values are very important when it comes to being an American citizen.

Upon reading through all of the values of free expression, I really took interest in Individual Self- Fulfillment. I believe that this particular value is one of the most important values, considering it involves our freedom as American citizens. As soon as we started class, we instantly started talking about the First Amendment. The First Amendment really emphasizes the use of freedom for the American people. Within The First Amendment, it focuses on self-government and participation. With Individual Self- Fulfillment, it discusses topics like human liberty and freedom of speech. I chose to discuss this particular value because U.S. citizens' freedom and rights are important to me. Being born and raised in the United States, I have been taught that I have a say in this world and that it is my right as an American citizen to have that freedom. 

Freedom of speech is such a powerful right to have. Freedom of speech gives the American people the ability to freely express their feelings, opinions, beliefs, religion, and a variety of other acts without the interference of the government. American people, by law, have the right to have human liberty. Having liberty and having freedom are one in the same. With both liberty and freedom, you have the capability to do as you please, as long as it abides by the law, so in reality, how much "freedom" do the American people actually have? The American people do have freedom and rights, but they are monitored and limited by the government. 

The value of Individual Self- Fulfillment really emphasizes the importance of free speech. Freedom of speech can be defined in two ways. The first is protected free speech. A great example of this, pertaining to todays news, is a peaceful protest like some of the Black Lives Matter protests. While there can be legal and protected free speech, there are illegal and unprotected acts of free speech that have taken place in America in the past couple of years. A perfect example of an illegal and unprotected act of free speech would be the January 6th protest riot on the capital building in Washington D.C. With this particular example of unprotected free speech, it would be considered Incitement. Even though one of these examples of free speech is protected while the other example is not, they are both considered to be Expressive Action because they address certain types of communication in a way that reaches a variety of audiences. The thought about Individual Self- Fulfillment, human liberty, and freedom of speech may all sound great for the American people, but past demonstrations like the January 6th riot, is an excellent example as to how The First Amendment can be and often is violated. It is for that reason why the freedom and rights of the American people are monitored.  


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