Monday, January 31, 2022

Post #3: "We The People..."

There are eight values of free expression. Each value describes a different aspect within the government. Some of the values really target the importance of free speech within The First Amendment and then others really emphasize certain topics such as: politics, human liberty, and the idea of what America really stands for. All eight values are very important when it comes to being an American citizen.

Upon reading through all of the values of free expression, I really took interest in Individual Self- Fulfillment. I believe that this particular value is one of the most important values, considering it involves our freedom as American citizens. As soon as we started class, we instantly started talking about the First Amendment. The First Amendment really emphasizes the use of freedom for the American people. Within The First Amendment, it focuses on self-government and participation. With Individual Self- Fulfillment, it discusses topics like human liberty and freedom of speech. I chose to discuss this particular value because U.S. citizens' freedom and rights are important to me. Being born and raised in the United States, I have been taught that I have a say in this world and that it is my right as an American citizen to have that freedom. 

Freedom of speech is such a powerful right to have. Freedom of speech gives the American people the ability to freely express their feelings, opinions, beliefs, religion, and a variety of other acts without the interference of the government. American people, by law, have the right to have human liberty. Having liberty and having freedom are one in the same. With both liberty and freedom, you have the capability to do as you please, as long as it abides by the law, so in reality, how much "freedom" do the American people actually have? The American people do have freedom and rights, but they are monitored and limited by the government. 

The value of Individual Self- Fulfillment really emphasizes the importance of free speech. Freedom of speech can be defined in two ways. The first is protected free speech. A great example of this, pertaining to todays news, is a peaceful protest like some of the Black Lives Matter protests. While there can be legal and protected free speech, there are illegal and unprotected acts of free speech that have taken place in America in the past couple of years. A perfect example of an illegal and unprotected act of free speech would be the January 6th protest riot on the capital building in Washington D.C. With this particular example of unprotected free speech, it would be considered Incitement. Even though one of these examples of free speech is protected while the other example is not, they are both considered to be Expressive Action because they address certain types of communication in a way that reaches a variety of audiences. The thought about Individual Self- Fulfillment, human liberty, and freedom of speech may all sound great for the American people, but past demonstrations like the January 6th riot, is an excellent example as to how The First Amendment can be and often is violated. It is for that reason why the freedom and rights of the American people are monitored.  


Saturday, January 29, 2022

Extra Post #1: Same Sport, Different Treatment

Just from watching NBA and WNBA games on the television, we all can instantly see that there are more fans and overall attendance at NBA games, but we can also agree that the WNBA players get payed less than the NBA players do, so why is that? The NBA started to form in 1946 and the WNBA started in 1996. Could the reason for low attendance and less pay be because the WNBA started around 50 years later than the NBA, or could all of this be happening because of something much bigger? Within the NBA, there are 30 teams and there are 12 teams within the WNBA. The difference in how many teams there are between the NBA and the WNBA can also be a key component as to how the NBA is favored more than the WNBA. Since there are more teams within the NBA, more money comes in, more brand deals are made, which accumulates money, therefore, provides more money for the over all NBA and its players. Since the WNBA only has 12 teams, less money is being made, which causes the women that are playing in the WNBA to get shorted money

Some might say that the reason for lower pay and less attendance could be because women in the WNBA are not as good as NBA players. While some might believe that to be true, people like Kobe Bryant, a former NBA superstar player would say other wise. There are tons of debates going around about the low attendance and especially the lower pay for the WNBA, but it is all about opinions. I have to admit, I do prefer to watch the NBA over the WNBA because in my eyes, the NBA is more exciting than the WNBA, but I believe that the women in the WNBA and men in the NBA should be getting equal and fair pay, but some people may disagree with my overall opinion.  

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Post #2: With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility!

The Supreme Court is the most powerful judicial government. It was established on September 17th, 1789.  The Supreme Court is made up of eight Justices and a Chief Justice. All of the justices are submitted by the president and can either be accepted or refused by the United States Senate. The Supreme Court is very powerful. The Court has the power to override the president. A recent example of this can be seen through the mandatory vaccine mandate that United States president Joe Biden tried to put in effect for all business. This particular case got turned down by the Supreme Court because it violates the First Amendment which is the freedom of speech and the Fourth Amendment which is freedom from searches and seizures without a proper search warrant.   


I did not know that the Supreme Court was as powerful as it is. I knew that the particular sector of government had a say in particular governmental cases, but I did not know that the Supreme Court had the highest power within those cases final decisions. I learned a lot from the two videos we watched in class on the Supreme Court. I learned that the Supreme Court picks and chooses the cases they want to consider, this is known as certiorari. For a case to get to the Supreme Court level, it has to be deemed a federal issue. If a case does not meet the standards of the Supreme Court, then it is up to the state courts to make the final decision. 

I found it interesting that the Supreme Court discusses and decides their cases within the public. You would think that because of the Supreme Court being ranked as high as it is within the government, that the cases would be discussed in private, but that is not the case. One fascinating piece of information that was brought up in the videos that we watched in class said by Justice Sandra Day O'Connor was that "the Supreme Court shakes each others hand at each hearing because you are less likely to hold a grudge when you shake hands first." I never really thought of that before and that simple little gesture can really shape the emotion in the room while discussing and deciding on a case.  


Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Post #1: This Just In... My Top 5 News Sources

As the year 2021 comes to an end and 2022 begins, the public remains frazzled in regard to the current state of our world. With a global pandemic still in motion, it seems like all that is on any screen somehow relates to Covid-19. Constant reminders of what is going on around the world are flooding our screens. While some reminders may be uplifting, most of the time they are discouraging and depressing. Like many my age, I am constantly checking my phone to see a change in any media platform. The main sources that I go to for information on my phone are Instagram and TikTok. Aside from seeking information from my apps, I typically watch Fox 8 News, Entertainment Tonight, and ESPN to stay up to date on the latest in home, Hollywood, and sports news.

Social Media, a place where people find themselves so hooked on the the newest trends, what new billion dollar house their favorite celebrity just bought, what is happening with world, and the list goes on. This famous social media app incorporates an endless amount of information. You can easily find out details and news with the click of a button. Instagram is a form of social media that I use on a daily basis. I would definitely recommend this app to those who love to be up to date on what is going on in people's lives and the world around us. Although Instagram is filled with corrupt and fake news, like the young adult that I am, I often find myself getting sucked into the media. I do find it difficult to decipher between what is real and what is fake, but I always make sure that the information that I stand by is from a reliable source.

Similar to Instagram, TikTok is a quick and easy source for all ages. Although TikTok does have an age restriction for who can have an account, TikTok can become very addicting and I have found myself getting on the app one minute and then hours passing by. Even though I love this app, it can become an addiction, so I would not recommend it to those who do not need any other distractions in their lives, but I would recommend it to those who are looking for a fun and entertaining app. This app includes everything from dances, challenges, trends, news, and more. TikTok is quickly becoming one of the most addicting apps we have ever seen. Although TikTok is an entertainment app, it has provided the public with information on pressing topics such as climate change and the global pandemic. TikTok can be very useful in many ways, as it provides daily hacks  that are useful for everyday life. This app is an easy way to access the daily news as well staying up to date on the latest trends. 

Fox 8 News is my areas local news channel that ranges from Winston- Salem, Greensboro, and High Point. This is one of the main news broad casting station that I go to for daily news and weather updates. This news source covers a wide variety of topics, both local and global. The local news may include local sporting events and weather forecast, but it also reports on national and global events, such as the current pandemic. Live broadcasting news channels often report on the negative side of society. In my opinion, typical news stations focus on the pessimistic side of things and make situations seem worse than they actually are. Even though the news casters mainly focus and report on the negative, I find myself going back to this new source because of the reliable information they provide and that is why I recommend this news station.      

Entertainment Tonight is not only another television network that provides information and news, but it also provides the same information and more through magazines, social media, and other online platforms. This type of media focuses more on celebrity related news and provides the public with updated details and facts about what is going on throughout the Hollywood world. I would recommend this news station to those who are interested in celebrities lives and all things Hollywood. I find myself watching this type of news because it is not only informative, but entertaining.   

ESPN is a news source that is all about sports. This type of news not only provides updates on scores from games, but it gives daily updates on players and anything sports related. ESPN can focus on local, national, and worldwide sports.  I love to watch and play sports, so this type of broadcasting station provides me with the information that I need to stay up to date with my favorite teams and athletes. I would recommend this source to all sports lovers. If you are not a big sports fan, then I would not suggest you use this source. I typically visit this channel through my television, but it is available through any technological device. Not only does this station provide up to date information on sports, it also allows you to experience the sports world from previous years.  

Post #11 Final Post: The Impact of Technology

For generations people have speculated how the future would look and would often predict popular technological inventions, such as highways ...